The Video Editor’s Survival Kit in 2024: Essential Tools & Tips

Welcome to Q3 of 2024, a year brimming with technological advancements and creative possibilities for video editors! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. This guide will equip you with everything you need to thrive in the dynamic world of video editing. From cutting-edge software to must-have accessories and insider tips, here’s your ultimate survival kit.

1. Cutting-Edge Editing Software

Adobe Premiere Pro 2024

Adobe continues to lead the pack with Premiere Pro’s latest version. Enhanced AI features for automatic scene editing, improved color grading tools, and seamless integration with Adobe Creative Cloud make this a powerhouse for any editor.

Final Cut Pro X

Apple’s Final Cut Pro X remains a favorite among Mac users. The 2024 update brings faster rendering times, advanced multicam editing, and innovative motion graphics capabilities, making it a go-to for high-quality video production.

DaVinci Resolve 18

DaVinci Resolve has cemented its reputation for outstanding color correction and grading. The 2024 edition introduces collaborative editing features, enhanced audio post-production tools, and a streamlined interface.

2. Powerful Hardware

Apple MacBook Pro M2 Max

Apple’s MacBook Pro with the M2 Max chip offers unparalleled performance for video editing. Its Retina display, extended battery life, and superior graphics processing capabilities make it ideal for on-the-go editing.

Custom-built PCs

For those who prefer Windows, a custom-built PC tailored to your editing needs can provide top-tier performance. Opt for a high-end GPU, ample RAM (at least 32GB), and fast storage solutions like NVMe SSDs.

3. Essential Accessories

External Hard Drives

Storage is crucial. Invest in reliable external hard drives like the Samsung T7 or the G-Technology G-DRIVE for fast and secure storage solutions.

Quality Headphones

Editing audio is as important as video. High-quality headphones like the Sony WH-1000XM4 or the Audio-Technica ATH-M50x ensure you catch every detail.

Color Calibration Tools

Ensure your videos look their best on any screen with color calibration tools like the X-Rite i1Display Pro.

4. Plugins and Add-Ons

Red Giant Universe

This suite of plugins offers a range of visual effects and transitions that can elevate your projects. It’s compatible with most major editing software.

Neat Video

Noise reduction is a breeze with Neat Video. This plugin is essential for improving video quality, especially in low-light conditions.

5. Stock Footage and Music


For unlimited stock footage, music, and sound effects, Storyblocks is a budget-friendly and versatile option.

Epidemic Sound

Access a vast library of royalty-free music and sound effects with Epidemic Sound, perfect for setting the right tone in your videos.

6. Learning Resources


Learn from the best in the industry. MasterClass offers courses by renowned filmmakers and editors, providing invaluable insights and techniques.

YouTube Channels

Stay updated with tutorials and industry news by subscribing to YouTube channels like Peter McKinnon, Premiere Gal, and

7. Pro Tips for Success

Stay Organized

Efficient file management is key. Use clear naming conventions and keep your workspace tidy to save time and reduce stress.

Network with Other Editors

Join online communities and attend industry events. Networking can lead to collaborations, job opportunities, and invaluable advice.

Keep Learning

The video editing industry evolves rapidly. Regularly update your skills through online courses, tutorials, and workshops.

8. Exclusive Discounts & Promo Code

Keep an eye out for exclusive discounts on editing software and hardware. Websites like ours offer regular updates on the best deals to help you save money while staying ahead of the curve.

60% OFF

Adobe Creative Cloud 60%OFF

Adobe is offering up to 60% OFF for Creative Cloud - All APPS. Limited-time offer! 

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With the right tools and tips, 2024 can be your best year yet in video editing. Equip yourself with this survival kit and take your projects to the next level. Stay creative, stay innovative, and most importantly, enjoy the editing process!

For more reviews, tips, and exclusive discounts on video editing software, subscribe to our newsletter and follow us on social media. Happy editing!

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